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What is OCT?
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
is the term we use to describe a series of scans which are taken to visualize and determine the thickness of a structure in your eye. This is usually the retina at the back of the eye or the cornea at the front of the eye. 

Why do I need this scan?
This test is carried out to document the appearance of structures in the eye and to monitor certain eye problems. The test is sometimes carried out to guide treatment.

OCT scan is critically important in the diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma and retinal diseases.

Do I get Medicare rebate for OCT scan?

  No, OCT scan is generally not covered by Medicare.  The only exception is the first OCT scan when patients with macular condition commence antiVEGF eye injection.

What are the benefits?
The images will help the eye doctor to monitor your condition and will provide them with information that they cannot get through a normal examination.


Are there any side effects or risks?
• OCT may include the use of a bright light or flash.  These lights are not known to cause harm to your eyes.
• You will find that your vision may be a strange colour after the photography. This does not last long.

Are there any alternatives?
OCT provides the doctor with information that cannot be gained in any other way. If you have any concerns please discuss these with the doctor and they will go through what options you have.


What do I need to know before having the procedure?
Before the procedure you may have drops put in your eyes to dilate the pupils. It will take 20 to 30 minutes for your pupils to fully dilate.
The drops can make your vision blurred for 2 to 36 hours and so it is recommended that you do not drive. It is therefore important that you make appropriate transport arrangements. 
If you cannot have your eyes dilated it may still be possible to have an OCT scan. Please discuss your options with the doctor.

When will I get the results?
The results will go straight to the eye doctor and inform his or her clinical decision making.


What if I have any questions?
Should you have any questions regarding this procedure please contact
the our Staff

Optical coherence tomography (OCT): Feature
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